
First Impressions

©Fille RoelantsMichal Kurczewski



©Fille Roelants


On February 19th, 2018 more than 700 professionals gathered at the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant for the IMPACT Event, thé biobased economy networking event of 2018. The event included the inauguration ceremony (IMPACT Criterium) for the new IMPACT investment of €9,36 million. You can watch the event video here:

Watch here (time lapse video) the construction of a new process hall at Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant in 2017 and 2018.

This video was shown during the IMPACT Criterium, a cycling race to start up the new IMPACT investment at the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant.


The IMPACT investment (Building new demonstration equipment for the development of industrial biotechnology as Key Enabling Technology for sustainable chemistry) is financed by the European Regional Development Fund (3.742.800 EUR), Flanders (1.248.224 EUR), the Province of East-Flanders (311.588 EUR), the City of Ghent (311.588 EUR) and the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant (3.742.800 EUR).