CBE JU Stakeholder Forum: What next for the European biobased sector?
The Egg, Brussels, Belgium
06.12.2023 - 07.12.2023
Meet our colleagues Esthèle Goure, Sofie Lodens, Tanja Meyer, Zsofia Kadar and Stef Denayer at the CBE JU Stakeholder Forum.
‘What next for the European bio-based sector?’ will be the main theme of the first CBE JU Stakeholder Forum to take place in-person on 6-7 December 2023 in Brussels, Belgium. Register for the event by 24 November and join the sixty industry and opinion leaders, policymakers, leading researchers, and many other CBE JU community members that will take the stage during the CBESF23.
The forum will focus on three questions that are crucial for the successful development of circular bio-based sector across Europe:
- How to stimulate demand for circular biobased solutions?
- How to facilitate access to finance to scale-up circular biobased production in Europe?
- What R&I do we need to keep the European leadership in biobased sector in the medium-long term
In addition to the forum themes, CBE JU is proposing to forum participants a set of topics for focused in-depth discussions:
- Developing skills for the biobased sector
- Promoting young researchers in the biobased sector
Event participants will have the occasion to engage in the discussion via a set of event sessions, targeted workshops, and ample networking opportunities.
An exhibition featuring the highly innovative bio-based solutions developed by CBE JU-funded projects will take place throughout the event.
Several meeting rooms will be provided to participants for smaller discussion groups.