A one-stop-shop for the conversion of renewable feedstocks into refined bioproducts.
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant focuses on the conversion of many kinds of biomass into biochemicals, biomaterials, biofuels and other bioproducts. We have expertise covering the whole value chain from Biomass to Refined Product and operate according to the ONE-STOP-SHOP principle.
What is a one-stop-shop?
All technologies necessary to go from feedstock to end product under one roof, as perfectly illustrated in this video: Conversion of bark into 2,3 butanediol, performed within the REHAP-Project.
What technologies do we offer?
The Feedstock
We can handle all kinds of Biomass, depending on the needs of the client. Some examples: Corn stover, paper pulp, oils and fats, husks, bran, straw, agro Industrial by-products, bagasse, beet pulp, seed press cakes, algae, non-food crops, defined media: glucose, sucrose, etc. … and many more.
Contact our business development team for more information.
Biomass Pretreatment
We offer mechanical, thermal, physicochemical and enzymatic pretreatment of biomass feedstocks.
We offer scale-up and demonstration of biocatalytic processes, using purified enzyme and whole-cell biocatalysts as well as bioconversion processes.
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We offer scale-up and demonstration of fermentation processes (batch, fed-batch and continuous – with or without cell recycle). We have experience with bacterial, yeast and fungal systems.
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We offer ATEX compliant installations and expertise for different types of chemical processes (chemical synthesis and chemical conversion reactions, chemical hydrolysis, extractions, flocculation).
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Product Recovery and Purification

We offer expertise in development, scale-up and demonstration of product recovery and purification processes using a broad range of processing equipment for aqueous and solvent based applications.
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Analytical capabilities and Cell Culture Lab
Process follow-up of the most important process parameters and quantification of compounds of interest with a wide range of already available standard analytical methods reducing cost and efforts & A unique cell culture lab.
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Depending on the type of product different kinds of end products are aimed for. Some examples: Specialty carbohydrates, Industrial enzymes, fine chemicals, solvents, polymers, flavours and fragrances, protein concentrates, surfactants, nutraceuticals, fuels … and many more.
Contact our business development team for more information.

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Biomass Pretreatment – Biocatalysis – (Gas)Fermentation – Green Chemistry – Product Recovery and Purification – Analytical Capabilities & Cell Culture Lab – Investment projects
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