Infrastructure for the support of the technology transfer between companies and the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
Infrastructuur voor de ondersteuning van de technologietransfer tussen bedrijven en de Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant

Text in Dutch below
The Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is an internationally renowned link in the innovation chain of the bio-based economy. Many companies come here to develop and scale up their processes, which leads to rapid growth (30% per year) of this pilot facility. This project aims to accelerate technology transfer and better project management through new process equipment and an innovative concept of partner hubs and project management rooms with integrated infrastructure for process control.
Each project requires a technology transfer, first at a low TRL level from the company to the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, and then back to the company at a high TRL level at the end of the project. Certain companies also need a rapid scaling up to kg level. They are typically start-ups that need product for their application research or need a series of regulatory batches to start the regulatory process of their new product as quickly as possible.
We will invest in new tech-transfer pilot equipment for industrial biotechnology and green chemistry. This pilot equipment will greatly increase the speed and efficiency of the technology transfer and also enable rapid product production at kg level.
Investments will also be made in partner hubs and project management rooms with integrated infrastructure for process control. This will greatly improve the cooperation with our partners through faster technology transfer and the support of good project management.
De Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant is een internationaal bekende schakel in de innovatieketen van de biogebaseerde economie. Vele bedrijven komen er hun processen ontwikkelen en opschalen, wat leidt tot een snelle groei (30% per jaar). Dit project beoogt de versnelling van de technologietransfer en beter project management door middel van nieuwe procesapparatuur en een vernieuwend concept van partner hubs en project management rooms met geïntegreerde infrastructuur voor processturing.
Elk project vergt een technologietransfer, eerst op laag TRL-niveau van het bedrijf naar de Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, en na afloop van het project terug naar het bedrijf op hoog TRL-niveau. Bepaalde bedrijven hebben tevens nood aan een snelle opschaling tot op kg niveau. Het zijn typisch start-ups die product nodig hebben voor hun applicatie onderzoek of een serie van regulatory batches nodig hebben om zo snel mogelijk het regulatorisch traject van hun nieuw product te kunnen starten.
We zullen investeren in nieuwe tech-transfer pilootapparatuur voor industriële biotechnologie en groene chemie. Deze pilootapparatuur zal de snelheid en efficiëntie van de technologietransfer sterk verhogen en tevens toelaten om snel op kg niveau product te produceren.
Tevens zal worden geïnvesteerd in partner hubs en project management rooms met geïntegreerde infrastructuur voor processturing. Hierdoor zal de samenwerking met onze partners sterk verbeteren door de snellere technologietransfer en de ondersteuning van goed project management.
Status of the project
Status on 7.2.2022: Sunrise reflecting on the Bio Base Flow building

Status on 14.9.2021: Bye, bye construction crane!

Status on 23.6.2021: Shaping up!

Status on 8.2.2021: Snow on Flow!

Status on 19.1.2021: We’ve reached the top of the Bio Base Flow building

Status on 18.11.2020: Top floor in the making!

Status on 14.9.2020: Two floors done, one to go

Status on 8.9.2020: And the first floor has a ceiling!

Status on 26.6.2020: Going up!

Status on 8.5.2020: Concrete please!

Communication tools:
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant EXPERTISE FOLDERS
The equipment purchased during the Bio Base DEMO project has been included in the (digital) equipment and expertise folders, the folder can be viewed HERE. (Open file in Google Chrome of Acrobate Reader!).
Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant DRONE FLIGHT 2.0
Release date: 15 September 2023. The Bio Base FLOW investment is included in the new drone flight, see start of the video.
The video below gives an impression of all substantial investments BBEPP made since its establishment in 2008. (This video can also be found on our website (“who we are” section) and YouTube channel).
For the Bio Base Flow section: See 1:36 – 1:47
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