Open innovation test bed for developing safe nano-enabled biobased materials and polymer bionanocomposites for multifunctional and new advanced applications
Nano-enabled bio-based materials can combine the best of unique functionalities: biocompatibility and sustainability. However, their development, testing and regulatory compliance processes are often far beyond the capabilities – financial and technical – of the innovators that seek to commercialise them. The EU-funded BIONANOPOLYS project aims to launch an open, innovative test bed for the design, development, testing, regulatory and environmental assessment, and upscaling of promising nano-enabled bio-based materials. With easy access to users across Europe, it will foster collaboration and innovation to secure Europe’s lead in a field with growing influence in areas from packaging and coatings to biomedicine.
To speed up the introduction of biobased nano-enabled materials into the market by providing a Single Entry Point (SEP) for stakeholders, Bionanopolys aims at creating a network of 14 pilot plants and their complementary services.
In this context:
- Five pilot plants will focus on the development of bionanomaterials from biomass,
- Three pilot plants are dedicated to bio-nano-composites
- And six plants aim at manufacturing bio-based nanoproducts
in order to reach a wide range of applications in different sectors.
Pilot lines are going to be upgraded and fine-tuned across the entire Bionanopolys value chain. Thereby, for the first time, Bionanopolys will create an integrated platform of technologies and scientific expertise devoted to the nanotechnology based on bio-based raw materials. This is complemented by a comprehensive portfolio of services for the development and integration of new bio-based nano-enabled products.
ACTIVITIES of the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant
To be completed
- ITENE, ES – Coordinator
- Fundacion Cidaut, ES
- The Pulp and Paper Research & Technical Centre, FR
- Centi, Centre for nanotechnology and smart materials, PT
- STFI – Saxen Textile Research Centre, DE
- acib, AT
- Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, PL
- IMT Bucharest, RO
- IRIS Technology Solutions, ES
- Ghent University, BE
- Biotrend, PT
- Particula Group, HR
- EBAN – European Business Angels Network, BE
- European Business and Innovation Centre Network, BE
- Gil Robles, San Bartolome & Associates, BE
- Axia Innovation, DE
- AmbrosiaLab, IT
- hilos tecnicos, ES
- Textisol, ES
- Novamont, IT
- Danipack, PT
- DS Smith, UK
- CellMat Technologies, ES
- Logoplaste Innovation Lab, PT
- Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, BE
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 953206.