Proteins from microbial fermentation get boost with The ProteInn Club
…impact.” Governments recognize sustainability, climate and circularity Sustainability is the driving force behind innovations with fermentation-based protein products. The production process offers much higher conversion efficiency (from low-value, abundant raw…
Read MoreBBEPP spin-off AmphiStar secures €6M to launch eco-friendly and cost-effective biosurfactants derived from waste
…per annum launch plant. DOWNLOAD the FULL PRESS RELEASE here. Waste derived biosurfactants to revolutionize sustainability in everyday products Surfactants play a pivotal role as functional components in numerous products…
Read MoreLeverage public funding to bring your innovation from lab to fab
…and 7. We are also actively tracking relevant (inter)regional opportunities, including: Food Pioneers Accelerator (South Netherlands & Flanders): Grants of €125,000–€250,000 for food innovations that improve health, sustainability, or efficiency….
…overall sustainability and the insecurity of the value chain. Moreover, their production costs are higher than their fossil counterparts and they still require significant innovation, technological development and scale-up. Even…
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