All Projects

  • Acrylic deratives, Alcohols, Biocatalysis, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, Bulk chemicals, CCU, CO, CO2, Feed, Feed additives, Feed ingredients, Fermentation, Finished projects, Formic acid, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, H2020-RIA, Lactic acid, Mobile unit, PHA, PHB, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Specialty chemicals, Steel mill gasses, Waste gasses

BIOtechnological processes based on microbial platforms for the CONversion of CO2 from iron&steel industry into commodities for chemicals and plastics

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  • Agricultural sidestreams, Aromatics, Biomass pretreatment, Carbohydrate extraction, Carbohydrates, Corn stover, Finished projects, Flax shives, Forestry sidestreams, Interreg VL-NL, Lignin, Lignin extraction, Miscanthus, Partner, Process development (TRL 4-5), Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Specialty chemicals

Biorizon has developed three commercially promising technologies for the conversion of wood, sugars and lignin into aromatics. By demonstrating the technology within this project on a larger scale, the confidence in the applicability of the technology on an industrial scale enhances and the risk to invest diminishes.

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  • 2G biomass, Advanced fuels, Biofuel, Bulk chemicals, Ethanol, Finished projects, Fuels, Glycerol tertiary butyl ether, H2020-RIA, Industrial sidestreams, Isobutanol, MSW, Municipal solid waste, Other feedstock, Paper & cardboard, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

The objective of BioRen is to develop competitive drop-in biofuels for road transport from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). A higher value fuel is targeted: glycerol tertiary butyl ether (GTBE) is a promising fuel additive to both diesel and gasoline that improves engine performance and cuts harmful exhaust emissions (e.g. fine dust).

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  • 2G biomass, CO, CO2, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Forestry waste, Fuels, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, H2020-RIA, Jet fuel, Marine fuel, Mobile unit, Partner, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Syngas, Triacylglycerides

BioSFerA aims to develop a cost-effective interdisciplinary technology to produce sustainable aviation and maritime fuels. Thus, biogenic residues and wastes will be gasified and the syngas will be fermented to produce bio-based triacylglycerides (TAGs).

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  • 1G sugar, Agriculture, Bacterial, Biopolymers, Chitin, Chito-oligosaccharides, Chitosans, Coordinator, E. coli, ERA-IB, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food related sidestreams, Glucose, Process development (TRL 4-5), Sucrose, Sugar, WP leader

The ChitoBioEngineering project aims at establishing biotechnological ways of producing fully defined, partially acetylated chitosan oligomers. This will be achieved through genetic, metabolic, and enzyme engineering.

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  • (Inter)Cluster, Bioplastics, Biopolymers, CCU, CO2, Catalisti-ISBO, Feed, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Formic acid, Gas fermentation, Gasses, H2, Low TRL, Other feedstock, PHA, PHB, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Regional-flanders, Single cell protein, Specialty chemicals, Waste gasses

CO2PERATE aims to develop catalytic technologies to convert CO2 into formic acid, using renewable electricity. Formic acid will subsequently be used as building block for the biosynthetic production of value-added chemicals, as a building block for the chemical industry, or as a potential carrier for energy storage.

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  • Active barrier coatings, Biochemicals, Biopolymers, Bulk chemicals, Chemical building blocks, Di-amines, Fermentation, Finished projects, Flame retardants, Food related sidestreams, H2020-RIA, MSW, Marine waste, Muconic acid, Municipal solid waste, Other feedstock, Polyamides, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery & purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Specialty chemicals, WP leader

The main objective of DAFIA is to exploit the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (MSW) and marine rest raw materials (MRRM) as feedstocks for higher value products.

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  • Biomass pretreatment, Finished projects, Forestry biomass, Forestry waste, H2020-INFRADEV-CSA, Infrastructure, Infrastructure network, Networking, Open access, Partner, Policy, Process development (TRL 4-5), Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Shared pilot facility, Value chain building

ERIFORE aims to establish an open access research infrastructure for circular forest bioeconomy across Europe. This will unlock the full potential of available forest biomass and will give rise to a new level of co-operation between the major RTD providers in the field.

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  • 2G biomass, Biomass pretreatment, Biorefinery, Bulk chemicals, Chemical building blocks, Enzymatic conversion, Finished projects, Forestry sidestreams, Fuel additives, Fuels, H2020-RIA, Lignin biomass, Lignin-based fuel, Marine fuel, Process development (TRL 4-5), Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

Falcon: Fuel And chemicals from Lignin through enzymatic and chemical CONversion.
FALCON aims to convert this lignin-rich industrial waste of 2G biofuel plants to higher value products, in particular shipping fuels, fuel additives and chemical building blocks. This would be the next consecutive step in turning waste to products, thus minimizing waste and simultaneously providing new alternatives for fossil resource based processes.

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