All Projects

  • 2G biomass, Advanced fuels, Biofuel, Bulk chemicals, Ethanol, Finished projects, Fuels, Glycerol tertiary butyl ether, H2020-RIA, Industrial sidestreams, Isobutanol, MSW, Municipal solid waste, Other feedstock, Paper & cardboard, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

The objective of BioRen is to develop competitive drop-in biofuels for road transport from the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW). A higher value fuel is targeted: glycerol tertiary butyl ether (GTBE) is a promising fuel additive to both diesel and gasoline that improves engine performance and cuts harmful exhaust emissions (e.g. fine dust).

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  • Active barrier coatings, Biochemicals, Biopolymers, Bulk chemicals, Chemical building blocks, Di-amines, Fermentation, Finished projects, Flame retardants, Food related sidestreams, H2020-RIA, MSW, Marine waste, Muconic acid, Municipal solid waste, Other feedstock, Polyamides, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery & purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Specialty chemicals, WP leader

The main objective of DAFIA is to exploit the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes (MSW) and marine rest raw materials (MRRM) as feedstocks for higher value products.

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