All Projects

FERM eiwit
  • 1G sugar, 2G sugar, Agricultural sidestreams, Agriculture, Biomass pretreatment, Bulk chemicals, Coordinator, Database and network, Demonstration (TRL 5-7), Enzymes, Feed, Fermentation, Fermented foods, Food, Food ingredients, Food related sidestreams, Forestry sidestreams, Gas fermentation, Gasses, Industrial sidestreams, Low TRL, Oils and derivatives, Ongoing projects, Other feedstock, Personal and home care, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Proteins, Regional-flanders, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Single cell protein, VLAIO/AO, Value chain building, WP leader

The ‘FERM eiwit’-project focuses on strengthening Flanders as an international leader in fermentation-based proteins.

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  • (Inter)Cluster, 1G sugar, 2G sugar - agriculture, 2G sugar - food, DSP process development, Fermentation, Low TRL, Moonshot flanders-cSBO, Ongoing projects, Partner, Polymers and packaging and biomaterials, Product recovery and purification, Regional-flanders, Sporesilk, Textile fibres

Scalable production of high performance protein fibre materials

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  • 1G sugar, 2G sugar, 2G sugar - industrial, Biomedical applications, Biosurfactants, Detergent ingredients, Detergents, Fatty acids, Fatty alcohols, Fermentation, H2020-Other, H2020-RIA, Oils and derivatives, Ongoing projects, Process development (TRL 4-5), Product recovery and purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Vegetable oils

The SECRETed project proposes the development of novel molecules by the combination of biosynthetic genes of amphiphilic compounds, biosurfactants and siderophores, produced by marine and extremophilic microorganisms.

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  • (Inter)Cluster, 1G sugar, Biosurfactants, Catalisti-SBO, Detergents, Fatty acids, Fatty alcohols, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Glucose, Green chemistry, High throughput screening, Industrial biotechnology, Industry user group, Oils, Oils and derivatives, Ozonolysis, Personal and home care, Personal care, Product recovery & purification, Regional-flanders, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Specialty carbohydrates, Vegetable oils, WP leader

Screening the application potential of a yeast-based biosurfactant portfolio. In AppliSurf a combination of genetic modification, fermentation development/optimization and green chemistry will be applied to enable commercial production at acceptable cost of an innovative and broad portfolio of biosurfactant structures.

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  • 1G sugar, Biosurfactants, Cosmetic ingredients, Detergents, FP7, Fatty acids, Fermentation, Finished projects, Glucose, Nano technology, Oils, Oils and derivatives, Personal and home care, Personal care, Process development, Product recovery & purification, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Sophorolipids, Vegetable oils, WP leader

This project aims to create new-to-nature and tailor-made biosurfactants through metabolic engineering of the unconventional yeast Starmerella bombicola.
Surfactants or surface active agents are applied in a wide range of industries and products e.g. cleaning, personal care, cosmetics, agriculture, oil recovery, paper industry.

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  • 1G sugar, 2G oils, 2G sugar, 2G sugar - agriculture, Agricultural sidestreams, Biosurfactants, Custom manufacturing, Demonstration (TRL 5-7), Detergents, Fatty acids, Fatty alcohols, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food, Food grade, Fucosylated carbohydrates, H2020 BBI-RIA, HMO, Lactose, MELs, Market sample production, Oils, Oils and derivatives, Personal and home care, Product recovery & purification, Rhamnolipids, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Sialylated carbohydrates, Sophorolipids, Specialty carbohydrates, Used cooking oil, Vegetable oils, WP leader, Xylolipids

The CARBOSURF project aims to develop new biobased processes as well as products and solves bottlenecks in the fermentative production of biobased biosurfactants and specialty carbohydrates. Specifically, it targets different glycolipid biosurfactants with a wide range of application fields and specialty carbohydrates, i.e. complex Human Milk Oligosaccharides that find applications as neutraceutical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic ingredients.

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  • 1G sugar, Agriculture, Bacterial, Biopolymers, Chitin, Chito-oligosaccharides, Chitosans, Coordinator, E. coli, ERA-IB, Fermentation, Finished projects, Food related sidestreams, Glucose, Process development (TRL 4-5), Sucrose, Sugar, WP leader

The ChitoBioEngineering project aims at establishing biotechnological ways of producing fully defined, partially acetylated chitosan oligomers. This will be achieved through genetic, metabolic, and enzyme engineering.

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  • 1G sugar, 2G sugar, 2G sugar - agriculture, Agricultural sidestreams, Agricultural waste, Anaerobic digestion, Biogas, Carbohydrates, Custom manufacturing, Demonstration (TRL 5-7), Enzyme formulation, Enzyme production, Enzymes, Fermentation, Finished projects, Formulation, Fuels, H2020 BBI-IA-DEMO, Product recovery & purification, Scale-up, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), WP leader

Demeter: Demonstrating more efficient enzyme production to increase biogas yields.
DEMETER will increase the yield of the fermentation process at an industrial scale as well as the down-stream processing of a C1-based biogas enzyme, reducing the cost of the end product and making the enzyme available for wide-spread application in biogas production throughout Europe.

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  • 1G sugar, AO-NIB, Aceton, Acetonitrile, Bulk chemicals, Butanol, Ethanol, Fermentation, Finished projects, Fuels, In situ product recovery, Product recovery & purification, Regional-flanders, Scale-up (TRL 4-6), Solvents, VLAIO/AO, WP leader

Industrial biotechnology plays a crucial role in the development of sustainable and cost effective production processes for biobased chemicals. These processes typically consist of two distinct unit operations: fermentation, followed by purification of the compound of interest from the fermentation broth. Product recovery and purification (also called downstream processing or DSP) are important cost factors, responsible for up to 80% of the total production cost. Reducing DSP cost is therefore a key success factor to improve the overall economics of biobased processes.

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